Abalone, a treasure of a shellfish

An abalone

The abalone is the most sought after shellfish by Ama divers. The fishing season runs from March to August.

This strict schedule prevents overfishing and does not disrupt the spawning season, which takes place in autumn (when the typhoon season is over). There are both female and male abalone, which are “broadcast spawners”. This means that the eggs and sperm are released into the surrounding waters where fertilisation takes place.

AbaloneSubclass: VetigastropodaFamily: HaliotidaeGenus: HaliotisOrder: LepetellidaClass: Gastropoda

Once fertilisation has taken place, it takes them 4 ½ years to grow to 10.6 cm (4.2 inches), by which time they have reached sexual maturity and therefore have been able to reproduce.

Only then can Ama divers catch them. During the dive, Ama divers carry a measuring instrument to check that their catch is the right size.

Three large abalone species are caught in Mie Prefecture: Haliotis discus discus, Haliotis gigantea, and Haliotis madaka.

Abalone fishing by Ama divers is widely recognised as a representative landscape of the fishing villages of the Toba-Shima region, and contributes to the revitalisation of the area.

Ama divers bringing abalone to the fish market


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